Content Guidelines

Any audio that violates the following guidelines will not be accepted or will be removed if we find that they contain unaccepted content.
  1. Content

    1. We can not accept any story or audio that falls into the following categories:
      • Acts involving minors in any way
      • Incest outside of clear and consensual roleplay
      • Rape outside of clear and consensual roleplay
      • Extreme violence or gore
      • Encouragment or fetishization of self-harm
      • Raceplay
          This includes a creator pretending to be a ethnicity that is not their own
      • Slavery outside of clear and consensual roleplay
    2. Absolutely no hate speech including racial, ethnic, national, or gendered slurs.
    3. Absolutely no content that advocates unsafe, harmful, or toxic behavior towards others or themselves outside of clear roleplay.
    4. Content must be of high quality
      • Audio must be edited for clear and clean playback unless noise is retained for creative reasons.
      • Use a good microphone. The audience can tell if you used your headset / iPhone mic.
    5. We accept all forms of content
      • Audio plays
      • Immersive audio
      • Sex blogs and guides
      • ASMR
      • SFW experiences (e.g. comfort audio, sleep audio, etc)
      • Podcasts
  2. Ownership

    1. Any work submitted by a creator must be 100% owned by this creator
      • If the work uses the voice or script of another person, the creator is responsible for obtaining explicit permission to post the work on Syrin
      • Creators are strongly encouraged to compensate other contributors to their work
    2. A creator found to have stolen work will be permanently banned from Syrin
  3. Please don't announce your alias/info at the beginning of an audio. We will take care of this for you on the site.


  1. Why do you have content guidelines?
    We love that fantasies and pleasure come in all forms and colors, but edgier or more niche content requires intense legal support and oversight.
  2. I'm not sure if my content violates the guidelines.
    If you feel like your story or recording is on the edge, see if you can find anything that's similar to your work currently in our library. If you're still unsure, email us.